The Iron Man Quest

I should keep moving… I signed up for this right?

Signed Up!
Signed Up! I was drowsy when I hit “submit” 😛

Yes! I signed up for the Ironman 70.3 Philippines this year. Although I was a bit hesitant because I don’t really know what to expect and I haven’t really have much exposure, (oh well) I did!  A multi-sport event that includes three discipline:  Swimming, Biking and Running.

Packed my stuff. Hush, I don't know for some but I think participating a Triathlon overseas is tough on logistics.
Packed my stuff. Hush, I don’t know for some but I think participating a Triathlon overseas is tough on logistics.

Fast forward… Zap! There were butterflies in my stomach the moment I landed in Cebu Philippines ; and because it was my first time transporting a bicycle (or any big luggage for that matter) from one country to another, I find it very stressful; not to mention that you actually need to disassemble your bike and then put it in order in a box and then reassembling it once you get to the location. Maybe I’ll get used to it soon though.

Claiming of the race kit is very easy. It was an organized expo!

Despite of all the stressful logistics. It was a good thing getting the race kit, race number tattoo marking was fine, the bike check-in has a strict security. It was very organized and I am impressed how things were being handled (Maybe this was hat we were really paying for).

All set!
The night before the d-day! Looks like I’m all set.

Above all this, above all the preparation, the real thing that’s most important is myself. The night before the event I was really restless (like as if I’m doing the BDM 102); slept at 10PM but woke up at 2AM and started preparing as I couldn’t get back to sleep anymore.  It was rainy that morning and I felt that we’re definitely going to have a tough race… and so it happened…